S02E06 - Katina Bajaj from Daydreamers: The Importance of Prioritizing Your Creative Health

Are you feeling uninspired? Today we bring on Katina Bajaj, the co-founder and Chief Well-being Officer of Daydreamers, a mental well-being company that's on a mission to make the world feel more alive through helping all adults turn creativity into an active part of daily life by reconnecting with their curiosity and imagination through science-backed exercises.

Our conversation revolves around the enchanting realm of CREATIVITY and its impact on our overall well-being. Katina brings a refreshing human touch to creativity, and her mission is to bridge the gap between wellness and creativity, making it accessible to everyone.

We also dive deep into:

  • The essence of creative health and its often-overlooked importance in today's society

  • Katina’s personal journey– transitioning from her career in finance to founding her own company

  • Strategies for rejuvenating your creative brain in small, everyday ways

  • Nurturing your creativity while facing burnout in a creative profession

  • Creating “seasons of creativity” to sustain your inspiration

  • Scientific evidence highlighting creativity's positive impact on mental health

+so much more!

You can use the code BLOOMING10 for $10 off your first month in the DAYDREAMERS Community and app!

Guest Information:

Guest Name: Katina Bajaj

Guest Business Name: DAYDREAMERS

Guest Website: https://daydreamerspace.com/

Guest Instagram: @heyitsdaydreamers

Guest TikTok: @katina.bajaj

Special thanks to our producer Jon from Wayfare Recording Co.


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S02E05 - The New York SOLO